Installing and configuring

Installing spaghetti

  1. Install some spaghetti:

    pip install django-spaghetti-and-meatballs
  2. Add "django_spaghetti" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:

  3. Add a plate of spaghetti in your like so:

    urlpatterns += patterns('',
      url(r'^plate/', include('django_spaghetti.urls')),

Configuring meatballs

django-spaghetti-and-meatballs takes a few options set in the SPAGHETTI_SAUCE variable from your projects file that make it extra spicy:


In the above dictionary, the following settings are used:

  • apps is a list of apps you want to show in the graph. If its not in here it won’t be seen.
  • show_fields is a boolean that states if the field names should be shown in the graph or just in the however over. For small graphs, you can set this to True to show fields as well, but as you get more models it gets messier.
  • exclude is a dictionary where each key is an app_label and the items for that key are model names to hide in the graph.
  • show_proxy is boolean, if truthy proxy models will be shown and linked to their main model, otherwise they will be hidden. By default this is false.

If its not working as expected make sure your app labels and model names are all lower case.